Sensory Silicon Advantages |
Akustica Sensory Silicon microphones are inherently superior to conventional and multi-chip microphones in virtually every way:
- Smaller and Thinner Can be mounted almost anywhere, including bezels and inside products too thin or small for other microphones.
- Digital Output Eliminates costly shielded cabling required to protect analog signals from RFI/EMI, allowing microphones to be located almost anywhere.
- Surface Mountable Compatible with automated manufacturing systems, reducing manufacturing costs and increasing end product reliability.
- Acoustics Highly matched microphones produce more consistent audio characteristics for effective arrays and predictable, reliable product performance.
- Noise Immunity Acoustic microstructures are highly immune to magnetic interference and mechanical vibration, while digital chip output is unaffected by RF and EM noise present in consumer electronics devices.
- Low Power For longer life in battery powered products.
- Standard CMOS For manufacturability, reliability, low cost and quick design cycles.